Almodovar Entre Tinieblas

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  1. Entre Tinieblas

Unlike the florid soap operas Pedro Almodovar has been scripting in recent years, 'Dark Habits' has a simple plot. Struggling lounge singer Yolanda (Cristina Sanchez Pascual) accidentally kills her lover with strychnine-laced heroin, and decides to hide from the police in a convent ('The Community of Humble Redeemers'). The story's forward motion mostly ends there, as the film becomes a perverse look at Yolanda's interaction with the nuns. See, these are not typical nuns.

Almodovar Entre Tinieblas

Mildly engaging, Dark Habits, Almodovar's third features about nuns on the run. Discuss Entre tinieblas (Dark Habits) (Dark Hideout) on our Movie forum!

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Their home has recently lost its prime benefactor, and they're struggling to pay the bills. This is especially difficult, given all the money they're spending on heroin, acid and cocaine. Not to mention raw meat for the pet tiger who lives on the grounds.

But maybe the blackmail threat will pay off, or maybe the nun who writes popular pulp novels under a pen name can contribute some funds. It's just too bad their adopted names are so alienating. Would you trust your soul to Sister Damned, Sister Snake, Sister Manure and Sister Rat of the Sewers? In the end, 'Dark Habits' comes off a bit juvenile, as if Almodovar is just delighting in being naughty. This impression becomes hard to shake from the moment we see a nun vomit. Luckily, Almodovar's explorations of the profane became more subtle with passing years. Note: I was disappointed to learn that the DVD version (what I saw) is about 18 minutes shorter than the earlier theatrical/VHS cut.

Entre Tinieblas

I'd still like to track down the original version.