Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Odac 64 Bit

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I recently installed '32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC). (ODAC 11.2 Release 5 and Oracle Developer. Oracle Data Access components 64 bit not working. Dec 18, 2008. -Install Oracle 10g Release 2 64-bit. -Install Oracle 10g Release 2 64-bit ODAC.

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Oracle 10g Release 2 For Windows Vista

Install Oracle 10g Release 2 Odac 64 BitRelease

Step 11: This step is optional if you need to change the language, territory or character set for the oracle client then in this case you need to change the value of registry key NLSLANG available at path: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Oracle KEYOraClient11ghome1 Note: If you have specified different name for oracle home instead of OraClient11ghome1 in above commands then you need to look for KEY That's all you are done with installation. In my case I was using only 64-bit host for WCF-Oracle but if you want 32-bit host then you need to install 32-bit oracle client by follow the above steps but do create different folder. Hi Rohit, I have a problem i need your help with: I have developed a project in WPF MVVM framework. The database part is Entity Framework and the database is Oracle 11g. When I run the.exe application in the machine where I developed it, it runs perfect but when I run it in another machine it becomes 'Not Responding'. I have tried to include the following dlls: -oci.dll -ociw32.dll -orannzsbb11.dll -oraocci11.dll But the 'Add Reference' in Visual Studio is not allowing me to add the above references.

What all dlls I need to include in the solution so that it runs perfect on user's machine?

Oracle 10g Release 2 Download

Thank you for accepting the OTN License Agreement; you may now download this software. ODAC 12.2c Release 1 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio ( Download the File Released July 6, 2017 420 MB (440,495,955 bytes) Important: If installing ODAC into an existing Oracle 12c home, review the 'Common Install and Setup Issues' section of the ODAC installation instructions.