Newlywed Game For Friends Questions
Apart from the fun and entertainment that the newlywed game questions create, its major aim is usually to know how compatible the couple is. The questions that are suitable for this kind of game are unique, not usually the kind of question we come across on a normal day to day basis, this is because the questions are targeted for a particular purpose.
20 Really Funny Newlywed Game Questions. This may be funny now, but it’s important to know which of your wife’s friends will be there for her.
These questions are weird, dirty, funny and most especially they are not directed towards a particular sex, by that I mean they are unisex. It is more fun when the couple is surrounded by an inquisitive crowd who are eager to know more about the couple. These questions are not common, hence, most people don’t even know them, In this article, we’ve listed a couple of newlywed game questions that might interest you, enjoy. See Also: The Newlywed Game Questions 1. How many children would The Groom like to have?
What is The Groom’s favourite holiday tradition? If The Groom could have any job and money wasn’t an issue, what would he do? What movie star is The Groom most like? What does The Groom say is the cutest thing you do without realising it? What does The Groom say is his favourite feature of yours? What is your spouse most afraid of?
What charity is your spouse most likely to raise money for? Who is better at managing your finances? What room in your house would your spouse like to make over?
Who controls the remote? What grade would you give your spouse in the bedroom? What is your favourite time of day for making whoopee? How do you know your spouse is in the mood? How long does making whoopee usually last?
- These newlywed game questions will help you to come closer to your spouse. Newlywed Game Questions to Know Each Other. Friends and so many other questions.
- Newly Friend Game Play just like the newlywed game, but with friends. Match up partners, two or three sets of partners each round (six chairs facing audience), give.
Er for mac. What is your spouse’s most irritating habit in the bedroom? Who would you say is better when it comes to making whoopee? If you went out for drinks, what would be the first beverage The Groom would order?
If family members came to visit you in (their current location), what would be the one place The Groom had to take them for dinner? Which of The Groom’s housekeeping habits drives you the most crazy? What is The Groom’s favourite game to play with a group?
What is The Groom’s favourite Christmas movie to watch? Where did you go on your first date? What did your spouse think about you after your first date? Where did you go on your last date?
What would be your spouse’s ideal date? What was your worst date? Which song would you dedicate to him / her? What is/was The Groom’s favourite place to hang out with you?
What is The Groom’s favourite pizza (toppings and place to order from)? What one activity would The Groom do if you had a free weekend? Where did The Groom first tell you he loves you? If The Groom could relocate anywhere, where would it be? What did you eat on your first date? What flavour of cake did you have at your wedding? Which family member of yours does your spouse find most annoying?
How did your family react when they found out you were getting married? How many kids do you want? What is your spouse’s favourite TV show? What one item of yours would your spouse love to get rid of? How many pairs of shoes does your spouse own?
What is your spouse’s shoe size? What are the middle names of your spouse’s parents? What is the name of your spouse’s best friend? What friend of your spouse annoys you the most? Did your spouse have any pets growing up?
What was the name of the street your spouse grew up on? What is The Groom’s favourite picture of the two of you? What person, character, or sound does The Groom best do an impersonation of? What date did The Groom ask you to marry him? See Also: More Newlywed Game Questions (51 – 100) 51. How did The Groom complete this sentence: “(The Bride) is a natural born” 52.
Where did you and The Groom have your first kiss? Who is the better cook?
What is your spouse’s favorite flavor of ice cream? What would your spouse request as a last meal? What is your spouse’s favorite candy bar? How does your spouse like his/her steak cooked?
If your house was on fire, what one thing would your spouse grab before leaving? What is the first thing your spouse would buy if you won the lottery? If your spouse was a superhero, what would be his or her super power? If your spouse was an animal, what animal would s/he be? Describe your spouse’s sexiest Pajamas. What song would you pick to describe your spouse in the bedroom?
What adjective best describes your spouse in the bedroom? What do you find most physically attractive about your spouse? How did you meet? How long had you been dating when you got engaged?
What was your first fight about? Where was your first kiss? When did you first know you were in love?
What did your spouse get you for your first Christmas as a couple? Who said “I love you” first? What is your spouse’s favorite movie? Who is your spouse’s celebrity crush? What is the last movie you saw together?
What would your spouse say is his/her best feature? What do you like best about your spouse? What color are your spouse’s eyes? What one trait of yours annoys your spouse the most? What was your first impression of your spouse?
Where would your spouse want to go on a dream vacation? What is your spouse’s dream job? What is the most embarrassing thing your spouse has done or said around you? What did The Groom say he’s most excited about being married to you?
Were you your spouse’s first partner? Where is the strangest place you have made whoopee?
Do you make whoopee as often as you would like? What is your spouse’s favorite snack? Who eats the most junk food? When is your spouse least appealing to you? Most appealing? Who would you cast to play your spouse in a movie? What is your spouse’s favorite movie theater snack?
What color does The Groom think looks best on you? What size shoe does The Groom wear?
Newlywed Game Questions For Best Friends
What adjective best describes your spouse’s family? Do you wish he / she would put a stop to a particular routine?
How would you describe the perfect Sunday? If today was the last day before the end of the world, how would you spend it? Did the honeymoon go exactly as planned? Who would you say, has the better in-laws? Editors Recommendations Topics:,.
Marriage is a beautiful thing. Ushering the beginning for the involved couples or newlywed is a series of activities before or during the wedding ceremony. Being a newlywed or about to be wedded can be very exciting especially for the bride. Since a lot of friends, family and relatives will be converging from different places, the whole ceremony is filled with high expectations for the newlywed or to be couple with all attention fixed on them. One of the activities that make this interesting is the newlywed game questions. This is done either during the bridal shower or at the wedding.
At the wedding, it involves the newlywed answering questions about themselves as a couple or their spouse thereby entertaining the guests as well as showing how well they know each other. Even though most newlyweds will know much about each other, it’s still unlikely that they will get all the questions correctly. To help newlywed couples get to know more about each other and also make it easier for those who need to play the game at their wedding, we’ve compiled about 200 different newlywed game questions for bridal shower and wedding ceremonies. Newlywed Game Questions for Bridal Shower 1. Who asked for the first date? Who said “I love you” first? Who brought up marriage first?
Who is the best when it comes to gift-giving? Which spouse is better at remembering important dates? Who has more clothes? Who is better at managing money?
Who is less likely to ask for directions when lost? Which spouse is more organized? Who is more adventurous? Which spouse hogs the sheets in the bed? Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Which spouse is more athletic? Who would throw a better surprise party? Which spouse snores? Who is more likely to ask a celebrity for their autograph? Who tips more at restaurants? Who takes longer to fall asleep?
Which spouse gets up first in the morning? Which spouse do you want the kids to take after? Who is the better singer? Which spouse goes to bed last at night? Who gives the best advice? Who is the better driver?
Who is the better listener? Who usually wins an argument? Who is more emotional? Who is the better dancer?
Whose friends will come over to visit more often? Who is more likely to find work as a model? Who says “I love you” more? What is your spouse’s favorite breakfast food?
Which spouse is more likely to admit that they are wrong? Who is the better cook? Who has a bigger sweet tooth? Which spouse is smarter? Who has a better fashion sense? Who is more creative?
Who is more likely to plan a date? Who takes out the garbage? Who is the picky eater? Who will be doing the dishes? Which spouse has the shorter attention span? Who is more likely to bring home an abandoned kitten or puppy? Who is more likely to share their food 46.
What are the names of your spouse’s grandparents? Who is more outgoing? Who passes gas more? Who is more likely to experience road rage? Which of you apologizes first after an argument?
Who will do most of the cooking during the marriage? Who is the better driver? Direct Questions about the Newlywed for Bridal Shower 53.
What is the first thing the Groom noticed about the Bride? Where was your first date? Where was your first kiss? What is your partner’s favorite thing to drink in the morning? What is your partner’s favorite thing to eat in the morning? Is your partner a morning bird or a night owl?
Will your partner want to have pets and, if so, how many? What is the Groom’s favorite meal the Bride prepares? Which partner has a relative living farthest away? Which item of clothing does your partner wish you would throw away? Which partner has the oldest relative?
What is your partner’s secret talent? How many friends does your partner have on Facebook? Where would your partner like to go on their next vacation after the honeymoon? Which of your habits does your partner most dislike about you?
If your partner could only bring one thing besides you to a desert island, what would it be? What’s your partner’s favorite season? What is the Groom’s least favorite meal the Bride prepares?
What is the Groom’s favorite color? What was the Groom’s first car? When and how did you start dating? What is the Groom’s favorite game? How many children does the Groom want?
How many children does the Bride want? What is your partner most looking forward to doing at your honeymoon destination? What is your partner’s least favorite thing to eat? Where did you share your first romantic kiss? What is your partner’s favorite movie?
What is your partner’s favorite book? What is your partner’s favorite TV show? What is the Groom’s favorite thing about the Bride? What is the Bride’s favorite thing about the Groom? When did the Groom know it was love and the Bride was ‘the one’? What is the Groom’s favorite band?
What would the Groom say is the Bride’s most annoying habit? What would the Bride say is the Groom’s most annoying habit? Is the Groom right-handed or left-handed? What nickname does the Groom hate being called? What was the first movie you watched together? What is the Groom’s favorite dessert? What was the Groom’s favorite toy as a kid?
What’s the Groom’s favorite restaurant? When the Groom was little, what did he want to be when he grew up? What was the Groom’s first job? What high school did the Groom attend?
Did the Groom have any pets growing up? Also Read: More Newlywed Game Questions for Bridal Shower 99. Who is more likely to check their phone during a date? Who spends more time on Facebook? Who is better at keeping secrets? Which spouse is more likely to ask for help?
Which spouse is always right? Who will be doing the laundry? Who would be more likely to climb a mountain? Who is more likely to mess up the laundry? Who has the cooler parents? Who burps more? Who is a lighter sleeper?
Which spouse is more photogenic? Who is more talkative? Who is more on time?
Who drinks more water on a daily basis? Who got better grades in school?
Who tends to spend more money? Whose feet are smellier? Who is the messier spouse? Which spouse is more spontaneous? Which spouse is more likely to catch a cold? Which spouse is more likely to get a parking ticket? Which spouse is more forgetful?
Who has more siblings? Who will be doing the grocery shopping? Who is more likely to dye their hair a bright color? Who loves the other spouse more? Who has more shoes? Who is more likely to finish a tub of ice cream first? Who is more likely to eat the last cookie or chip?
Who is more likely to yell at a telemarketer or customer service representative? Who is more afraid of public speaking? Who is better with computers? Who has better handwriting?
Which spouse did most of the wedding planning? Who is more of a party animal? Which spouse is more stubborn? Who is more afraid of spiders? Who is more afraid of heights? Who would be better in the wilderness? Who forgets to turn the TV and lights off?
Which spouse is more of a flirt? Newlywed Game Questions for Wedding ceremony 141. Who will be the stricter parent? Who is more likely to get a tattoo? Who is more likely to buy a motorcycle? Who is more likely to eat dessert before the meal?
Who is more likely to want breakfast for dinner? Who cares more about their looks? Who can drink more? Which spouse is more musically talented? Which spouse is more generous?
Who spends more time on the computer? Who gets to control the TV remote? Which spouse is funnier?
Who says “I’m sorry” first after a fight? Who is better at fixing things around the house? Who would win an eating contest? Who would finish first in a marathon? Who is better at getting up early?
Who can be more spontaneous? Who will be taking care of the bills? Who is better when it comes to haggling prices? Who tends to finish eating their meal first? Wakes up more in the middle of the night? Who replaces the toilet paper roll more?
Who is more likely to bring the other person breakfast in bed? Who takes longer to get ready to go out? Who tends to hog the bed? Who is more likely to forget their keys or wallet at home?
More Newlywed Game Questions for Wedding ceremony 167. Who is the goofier one? Who can stay up the latest? Who snores louder?
Who has more of a green thumb? Who watches TV more?
Which spouse is more likely to win the lottery? Who tends to be in the bathroom longer? Which spouse has a crazier family?
Which spouse is older? Who can drink a pint of beer faster? Who exercises more? Who is more likely to end up in the emergency room? Who is the heavier drinker? Who is going to pay the bills? Who is more romantic?
Who is more likely to get sunburn? Who is more likely to have a bad hair day? Who is more likely to go sky diving? Who takes longer showers? Who wants more children? Who has the better-looking family? Which spouse is more likely to run a red light?
Which spouse is more likely to drive on a road trip? Who do you love the most in the world? Who is more likely to be president of the country? Which spouse is better with kids?
Who tends to kiss more? What is your favorite part of your spouse’s body? Who tends to be the big spoon? Who needs to wear more deodorant? Who uses more toilet paper? Who is better at cuddling?
Who is a better lover? Who is going to have more energy for tonight?